Master's thesis was the most rewarding part of the Business Informatics studies

21.12.2019 - 09:00

Salla Kuula graduated as Master of Business Administration in Business Informatics in 2019.

Salla tells about her studies:

Salla Kuula

"Last Friday I ended one period in my life and finished my MBA studies in Business Informatics. It was no walk in the park with two small kids and a full-time job, but all in all it was definitely worth it. I got to study with such a great group of people lead by really high-class teachers.

The greatest thing was the extra Umph it brought to my career. I feel that it changed the way I look at things and gave a wider, strategic perspective to my work.

The most rewarding part was to write my Master’s Thesis about building a Data and Analytics Maturity Framework for my employer, Veho. It gives me the means to guide Veho into an even more data-driven organization in up-coming years. I am so excited to continue my professional journey with all this information and tools in my backpack.

Special thanks to my fellow students and teachers, especially Katja Kokko, Teo Tuomola, Raisa Varsta, Antti Hovi and the family supporting me along the way."

More information

Studying Business Informatics

Salla's posts on Metropolia Masterminds blog