Study opportunities and competence development for immigrants

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences offers a possibility to study something new and inspiring, enhance your professional know-how in working life and apply to a degree program.

Develop your competence and study at Metropolia!

Finnish language courses

Learn Finnish! Enrol on Finnish language courses offered by Metropolia Open UAS.

Higher education preparatory programme for immigrants

Do you wish to study for a degree in Finnish in a university of applied sciences? Metropolia provides studies to prepare you for this. The courses are taught in Finnish.

Career Boost Programme in Business Accounting

Supplementary studies for highly educated immigrants who wish to update and develop their Finnish language skills and knowledge of financial management and accounting in Finland.

Additional studies for Nurses

The program is aimed at those who have completed a degree abroad and will apply to Valvira for the right to work as a licensed nurse in Finland.

Additional studies for Radiographer

Training is aimed at people who have completed a degree abroad and applied to Valvira for the right to work as a licensed Radiographer in Finland.

Additional studies for Physiotherapists

Training is aimed at people who have completed a degree abroad and applied to Valvira for the right to work as a licensed Physiotherapist in Finland.

Additional studies for Midwifes

Training is aimed at people who have completed a degree abroad and applied to Valvira for the right to work as a licensed midwife in Finland.

Additional studies for Biomedical laboratory scientists

Training is aimed at people who have completed a Bachelor's degree abroad in Biomedical Laboratory Science and who have applied to Valvira for the right to work as a licensed A Biomedical Laboratory Scientist in Finland.

For Ukrainian refugees

Metropolia offers courses, study modules and path studies of the Open UAS free of charge for people fleeing from Ukraine.

Degree studies in Metropolia

Metropolia offers degree studies in the fields of Business, Culture, Health Care and Social Services, and Technology. You can study for a bachelor or a master degree in a university of applied sciences. Degrees are available in Finnish and in English.

Supplement your competence and study in open UAS

Metropolia Open UAS offers a wide variety of courses. Open UAS path studies can also open an opportunity to apply for degree studies in Metropolia.

Open UAS NonStop studies

Study flexibly according to your own schedule in the Open UAS online studies of Information and Communication Technology.

Diplomas of Higher Education and study modules

Deepen or update your skills to meet the needs of working life!

Opportunities to study and develop competence

How can I study for a degree in a Finnish institution?

Information on available programmes and application process

In the StudyInfo portal by the Finnish National Agency for Education you will find information on your education options, applying to study and in general about studying in Finland. Finnish institutions of all levels maintain the information about their programmes in StudyInfo.

If you are interested in applying for higher education studies, check the upcoming Guidance Generalia lectures by our SIMHE services. If you are new to the Helsinki region, explore also the Newcomers' Guide by International House Helsinki.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Students in higher education in Finland have the opportunity to apply for recognition of prior learning regardless of where and how they have built such competence. The requirement is that the competence matches with the learning outcomes of their curriculum.

This means that for example courses of your previous degree studies can be recognised into your degree and you do not need to study again the topics that you are competent in. Similarly, you might have built such competence through your work experience.

The RPL request is always processed by the higher education institution where you are studying. The goal of RPL is to promote continuous learning and to acknowledge the existing skills and competences.

Developing study skills: higher education preparatory programme for immigrants

Metropolia offers a higher education preparatory programme for immigrants in different fields of study to strengthen the required study skills for studying in a Finnish university of applied sciences. You will also learn what it is like to study in the field of study in question. At the same time you will build the professional Finnish language competence required for studying in your field. The courses are taught in Finnish (skills level B1 required).

Read more information in Finnish on the preparatory programme in Metropolia. Also other institutions in Finland provide preparatory programmes. See more information on the websites of each institution.

Where can I take individual courses and what are open universities/UAS?

Open university or open university of applied sciences (UAS) studies are open to everybody regardless of former education, work experience and age. Open studies are taught in Finnish, Swedish and English, depending on the course and the institution.

Studying in an open university or an open UAS will require a fee for each course. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic several institutions in Finland have not been charging the fee from unemployed jobseekers. Check the current regulations from the website of each institution.

You will find details on available studies on the website of each institution. Note that each have their own enrolment and fee policies.

Open universities of applied sciences in the proximity of the Helsinki region

Open universities in the proximity of the Helsinki region

Importance of a work placement: Arsalan Shakil shares his experiences

Free SIMHE app is easy to use and full of guidance

Explore our other services

Services to immigrants

What kind of services and what opportunities do international professionals and future talents have with us? We help you find your study and career path in Finland.

Career Guidance for immigrants

A one-to-one discussion with a Career Coach helps you to map your competences and identify suitable study and career paths in Finland.

Guidance Generalia webinars

Guidance Generalia webinars are open to all immigrants interested in the topic. The topics are selected to help you navigate your study options and develop your career prospects in Finland.

Recognition of competence

How can you get started with recognising your key competences? Metropolia also provides recognition of competence by a professional in selected fields of study and for limited target groups.

Tips for information search

Useful tips and links for immigrants on career planning in Finland e.g. professional qualifications, studies, employment, entrepreneurship and learning Finnish.