Recognition of Credit Mobility and Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) refers, as a whole, to the practices that enable competence acquired by students in various circumstances to be recognised and accredited as part of their studies and degrees.

The goal of recognition of prior learning is to promote the progress of studies and to enable students to take an individual study path. RPL is based on a working life and competence-oriented curriculum. Students have the opportunity to apply for the recognition of prior learning if they possess the kind of competence that meets the aims of their curriculum.

Students' prior learning is recognised regardless of how, where and when they have acquired it. The aim is that students can evaluate their competence in relation to the competence goals of their courses. Students are responsible for demonstrating, proving and providing adequate information on their competence.

Prior learning can be recognised either in full or partially. Partial recognition means that the student must supplement his or her competence in the manner determined by the degree programme.

Credit transfer and demonstration of competence

The recognition of prior learning can take place through credit transfer or be based on evidence.

Credit transfer takes place in two ways: substitution and inclusion. Substitution refers to studies in a student's curriculum which can be substituted with other studies of similar content. Inclusion refers to studies which can be included as part of elective studies. Credit transfer is based on official diplomas presented by the student. See more on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Students can also apply for the recognition of competence acquired by other means than study, such as at work or in their own free time. In such a case, the student must apply for recognition of their competence by demonstrating it with a certificate of employment, other documents, records or works. If necessary, the student may be requested to supplement his/her demonstration with a report, an interview, an essay, a learning diary, a portfolio, a practical skills demonstration or a test. A numeric grade will be assessed whenever possible.

Credit transfer for prior learning or courses completed during an international student exchange period is carried out through eRPL. The eRPL system is an electronic system which can be accessed via Metropolia’s intranet. When a Learning Agreement for Studies/Traineeship is prepared carefully and studies are completed in accordance with the agreement, the credits for the courses are fully transferred to the degree.

Credits from theses are not transferred, but in some cases they may be partially recognised through a demonstration of competence.

All language and communications studies required for higher education degrees can be recognised through credit transfer or a demonstration of competence in the same manner as other studies.

Degree regulations (Sections 21 and 22)