BSG-Go! Scaling-up Baltic Sea Game support for a resilient game industry

We develop new instruments that leverage the resilience of the jeopardised groups in the game industry. The expected outcome includes

  • tools
  • routines
  • structures
  • methods

Project studies the networks, clusters and framework conditions, as well as funding strategies.

Resilient economies and communities

Resilience is understood as the ability to respond to external disturbances such as severe recessions and financial crises, downturns of particular industries or major health crises. The Programme encourages actions that help to avoid unwanted external impacts, withstand them or recover quickly from them.

The game industry – as any other creative industry – needs constant rejuvenation to remain attractive, inspiring and innovative.

Project objectives

Consequently, the industry, despite initially thriving during types of crisis such as the pandemic entailing contact and mobility restrictions, will suffer in the long run if their young talent pool is jeopardised and failing to replenish.

The objective, therefore, is to provide support for the young talent pool to be resilient against threats resulting from different types of crisis. Dedicated structures, support mechanisms, routines and instruments for the game industry to remain resilient in times of major crisis.


Heikki Laaninen
heikki.laaninen [at] (heikki[dot]laaninen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Project Manager, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

For more information, visit project's homepage (