Why is Finland the happiest country in the world? American documentary filmmaker seeks answers from Metropolia

7.9.2023 - 12:00

According to the World Happiness Report published by the United Nations Sustainable Development Network, Finland is the happiest country in the world in 2023 — for the sixth consecutive year. The report was published in March.

American director David Arond investigates Finland's top ranking in the happiness index in his documentary The Happiest Country in the World: Finland – Education & Happiness. For the documentary, Arond and his filming crew visited Metropolia's Myllypuro campus on September 6, 2023, where journalist Nina Trasoff interviewed Metropolia's President, CEO Riitta Konkola, Vice President, Education Heidi Rontu, Innovation Director Minna Elomaa-Krapu, Research and Development Managers Anita Ahlstrand and Eija Raussi-Lehto, and Senior Lecturer Saila Pakarinen.

"The significance of universities in society is increasingly substantial, and it's great that Metropolia's role in promoting well-being is of interest, and people want to learn from our ways of operating worldwide. Metropolia's Myllypuro campus plays an important role in strengthening the vitality of eastern Helsinki. The campus is open to residents of the area, outsiders, and new encounters — it connects expertise with a focus on people and fosters collaboration to promote future well-being" Riitta Konkola says.

Pictured Metropolia's President, CEO Riitta Konkola and Vice President, Education, Heidi Rontu

Pictured on the left is Metropolia's President, CEO Riitta Konkola, and on the right is Vice President, Education Heidi Rontu. In the background is director David Arond.

The filming crew visited Metropolia's HyMy Village, which offers well-being and health services to Myllypuro residents as student work. Additionally, they toured Metropolia's simulation hospital, which serves both for educational purposes and preclinical testing.

"The unique learning environments at the Myllypuro campus enable growing research, development, and innovation collaboration with businesses, public actors, and the third sector. Metropolia's innovation hubs and collaboration platforms allow students to collaborate with companies and get familiar with the working life during their studies" Minna Elomaa-Krapu says.

The Happiest Country in the World: Finland – Education & Happiness documentary delves specifically into the Finnish education system, asking why Finland is the happiest country in the world and what other countries can learn from Finland. The filming crew conducts around 40 interviews for the documentary and visits places such as daycare centers, primary schools and higher education institutions.

The Happiest Country in the World: Finland – Education & Happiness will premiere worldwide in March 2024.

Pictured is photographer Daniel McPadden (left) and Metropolia's Research and Development Manager Eija Raussi-Lehto (right) in Metropolia's simulation hospital.

The World Happiness Report measures countries' happiness through surveys

The international World Happiness Report publishes annually its list of the world's happiest countries. The report includes over 150 countries. Since 2012, the report, published annually, measures the happiness of different countries through surveys. Respondents to the survey give their own assessment of happiness, freedom, and quality of life, among other factors. Happiness is also measured using various indicators, such as examining citizens' education, health data, and the country's economy.

More information:

Minna Elomaa-Krapu
Director of Innovation, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
minna.elomaa-krapu [at] metropolia.fi (minna[dot]elomaa-krapu[at]metropolia[dot]fi)