Neighborhood Living Room project


The People's Smart Sculpture.

The project ended on April 30, 2018.

The Neighborhood Living Room studies ways how a museum could build a more dynamic and participatory audience relationship. The vision is that a museum could be integrated as a part of the community and act as a living room for citizens. The methods to be used are based on applied arts, community theatre, applied music education, social media, mobile technology and cultural production. Art based methods will work as a tool for promoting communal spirit between residents and as a driving force for a unique city life based on the original elements of the district.

In our case the museum is “The Museum of Technology”, which is the only general museum of technology in Finland. The target group is the Arabianranta district residents from children to elderly people. Location of the Museum of Technology is in Helsinki just beside Arabianranta district. Our goal is to create an inspiring and encouraging design environment, where people, tradition and innovation go hand in hand. Arts and technology based solutions provide fascinating possibilities to build bridges between the museum content and the local environment.

Museum as a living room in Arabia’s Street festival 16.5.2015

The People´s Smart Sculpture Facebook-page

Museo kaupunginosan asukkaiden olohuoneena

Further information

tki-info [at] (tki-info[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Kari Salo
Project Director
tel. +358 40 510 9268
kari.salo [at] (kari[dot]salo[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

The Neighborhood Living Room on Facebook