Computing in Construction, Master of Engineering

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  • Separate Application for International Degree Programmes 31.12.2024-30.4.2025 31.12.2024 - 30.04.2025
Master of Engineering
1.5 year
Myllypuro campus
Mode of studies
Tuition fees might apply


Goal of the studies

After completing the programme, the student understands the varieties of models and data created in the real-estate and construction sector and has gained hands-on capabilities to apply, develop and implement modern computational methods and tools to process them, with the purpose of increased quality, sustainability, productivity, and security of construction.

The student has become familiar with

  • the heterogeneous models of built environment (building information models, city models, product data, etc.),
  • secure and organized data management and sharing technologies and practices in construction, and
  • point clouds, sensor data, and event data generated over the construction lifecycle.

The student has acquired the following knowledge and skills to meet the demands of the construction sector:

  • utilize computational tools to query, process, link, enrich, and manage the data,
  • create, modify, and optimize the models algorithmically,
  • understand and utilize the artificial intelligence technologies, and
  • develop and extend models and systems.

Structure of studies

Extent of the studies is 60 ECTS credit points and duration 1,5 years.

The programme consists of

  • Common studies 20 ECTS
  • Elective studies 10 ECTS and
  • Master’s Thesis 30 ECTS


The Computing in Construction programme looks at the construction sector from a data perspective: what kinds of data is produced and consumed over construction lifecycle. Also models of different kinds - BIM models, city models, point clouds, etc. - are seen and used as particular types of data.

The overarching themes in the studies are (1) linking different kinds of data with each other across models and datasets, and (2) interoperability of systems: how systems can use data produced by others, and how workflows could be automated. (It should be stressed that the programme does not teach the use of BIM authoring tools, practices of BIM-based design, BIM coordination, or other such skills).

The specific topics of studies are the following:

  • Computational representations of the built environment
    • BIM and openBIM standards: IFC, bSDD, BCF, and IDS
    • City models and CityGML/JSON
    • Ontologies relevant to the construction domain
  • Management and sharing of construction data
    • ISO 19650 standard for BIM-based information management
    • Linked data and decentralized data management
    • Cybersecurity in construction
  • Data gathering over the construction lifecycle
    • Point clouds from laser scanning, photogrammetry, or depth cameras
    • Sensor data from BAS and IoT systems
    • Event data from GS1-based systems
  • Computational design and optimization
    • Algorithmic design with Rhino/Grasshopper
    • Multi-criteria optimization
  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and reasoning
    • Basic technologies of machine learning, combinatorial search, and reasoning
    • Knowledge graphs, linked data and ontologies in construction
    • Applications of large language models and foundation models in construction
  • Digital twins in construction
    • As-built and as-maintained BIM models
    • Update processes and sensor data integration
    • Data access, analysis, prediction, and visualization

See Computing in Construction curriculum in Studyguide

Mode of study

The language of studies is English and the programme is arranged as day-time studies: students need to be prepared to attend the classes from Monday to Friday. The schedules will be published closer to the start of the academic year.

It is highly recommended that every student will have an own laptop computer with the necessary rights to administer it, in order to be able to complete exercises, assignments, and project work.

During the classes, the students will do active software work on the above-mentioned topics, mostly using Python programming language. Therefore, the students need to be prepared to install, manage, and work with

  • various open-source tools (such as Python, Visual Studio Code, Blender Bonsai, CloudCompare, MQTT brokers/clients, or GraphDB), and
  • program libraries in Python (such as IfcOpenShell, Open3D, Paho MQTT, or RDFlib).

Prerequisites for admission

  1. Suitable Bachelor or Masters degree: Bachelor of Engineering degree or similar, as detailed in the admission criteria
  2. Work experience: Two years of degree-related work experience, after gaining the degree
  3. Admission course(s): The completion of the mandatory admission course in Python programming (3 ECTS).

Scholarships and tuition fees

Annual tuition fee for non-EU/EEA applicants 11 500 €.

This fee applies only to non-EU/EEA degree students.

Read more on tuition fees and scholarships

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  • Application period
    Start of studies
    autumn 2025
    • Technology

    Instructions for applying

    In the spring 2025 Joint Application to higher education, you can apply to degree programmes that start in the autumn of 2025. The application period starts on the 8 January 2025 at 8 am and ends on the 22 January 2025 at 3 pm (local time in Finland).

    All the information needed to apply can be found on the national portal. At you can find descriptions of degree programmes, application criteria, application instructions, application forms and much more.

    Application fee

    From January 2025 onwards there is going to be an application fee of 100 euros. The application fee is collected for applicants from countries outside EU/EEA seeking education leading to a degree in higher education. The Finnish National Agency of Education will collect the application fee in connection with filling in the Studyinfo application form. The application fees are introduced for applications starting 1 January 2025 and onwards, when applying for degree programmes beginning on or after 1 August 2025. There is no application fee for Finnish or EU citizens.

    More about application fee in
    Questions about application fees? Contact applicationfee [at] (applicationfee[at]oph[dot]fi)

    The application fee does not guarantee that you will be offered admission to studies.

  • Application period
    Start of studies
    autumn 2025
    Apply now!
    • Technology

    The Separate Application for International Degree Programmes is aimed at those applying on the basis of GMAT/GRE test, SAT test, the Edunation Pathway Diploma or a top-up degree for an education leading to a higher education degree in English. Application period for studies starting in autumn 2025 starts on 31 December 2024 08:00 am (local time in Finland).

    Application instructions have been published on Check the individual selection methods for each degree programme in .

More information

For more information on the application process please contact

Metropolia's Student and Admission Services:
+358 40 712 5100
admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Starting studies

How to start your studies in Metropolia

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You have made an excellent choice - Metropolia offers you unique multidisciplinary opportunities throughout your studies with its strong connections to working life and active role in innovations built around socially significant phenomena.

We are happy to have you with us and help you with any questions you might have. Welcome to Metropolia!

The below information applies to students who have been accepted to study for a full degree at Metropolia. Make sure to complete all the steps in order to secure your study place.

Starting Computing in Construction studies

The School of Real-Estate and Construction warmly welcomes all new Computing in Construction students! We have exerted significant effort to craft an interesting and comprehensive master's programme designed to harness the power of digital technology in molding our built environment. We are now anticipating enthusiastic and dynamic students who would participate actively in classroom sessions and in innovative work on software and programming assignments.

For the smooth beginning of your studies, please consider the following points carefully in advance and take the necessary actions before the start of the studies.

1. Arriving to Finland

You will need to arrive to Finland on Sunday September 1st, 2024 at the latest. To make practical arrangements before the start of the studies (e.g., picking the keys to an apartment), it is advisable to come already a few days earlier, that is, during the previous week.

Note! The time of arrival needs to be taken into account already when applying the residence permit.

2. Orientation days and the start of lectures

The orientation days for the studies will be on September 2nd and 3rd, 2024, at the Myllypuro campus (from 9:00 to 15:00 EEST). You will get to know each other as well as the practical arrangements, communication tools, IT services, and the Myllypuro campus. You will also have an introduction to the goals, contents, and arrangements of the Computing in Construction programme.

The lectures will begin immediately on the days following the orientation. The practical arrangements explained and made during the orientation days (such as access control badges, computer accounts, course enrollment, etc.) should be in order by that time.

Note! Bring your own laptop computer both to the orientation days and the lectures.

3. Choice between the normal or fast-track option

The recommended length of the programme is 1.5 years (three semesters). If absolutely necessary, the programme can be completed in 1 year (two semesters), in which case the student needs to submit the master's thesis for evaluation by April 15th, 2025. It means that the work on the thesis should begin already in October, and the proposal of the thesis topic must be submitted on latest in September.

Note! Students who choose the fast-track option must make the decision before the beginning of the studies and must have their thesis topic ready right when the studies begin. In addition, throughout their studies they should be prepared to work with high intensity and be extra careful not to miss a single deadline in any courses.

4. Time to allocate for studies

Computing in Construction is organized as full-time studies. You should expect to spend 2.5 days/week at the campus. The attendance in the lectures is mandatory - make the necessary adjustments to enable the participation. The rest of the week is reserved to assignments, independent studies, and also thesis work towards the end of the programme.

The nominal extent of the programme is 60 credit points which means 1620 hours of work in total. Each 5 credit point course nominally requires 135 hours of work. The first autumn is especially full of studies: there are four courses totaling 25 credit points to be completed in 17 weeks, which means 40 hours of work/week. Make enough room in your weekly schedules to accommodate that. Later on the focus of studies moves increasingly on the thesis work, which gives more flexibility to time management.

5. Own laptop that allows software installation

During the studies there will be programming exercises and assignments on built environment models and data. The exercises quite often involve the need to install some open-source tools and libraries.

Therefore, each student is strongly recommended to bring an own laptop computer that allows the installation of open-source software packages (that is, not a computer in which installations are prevented because it is managed by another party).

Most software used in the studies can be run almost equally well in Windows, Mac, and Linux systems, although Windows would probably cause least trouble.

6. Programming environment ready for action

In the first courses, the programming languages that will be used are Python and Javascript. Students should ensure that already when the studies being, they have updated the system software of their computers and installed the recent versions of essential software packages: Python, node.js, and the preferred software development environment (such as VSCode).

It is advisable to refresh the programming knowledge and skills before the start of the studies especially regarding Python but also Javascript.

7. Learning Finnish language

Although in Finland most of the work in Computing in Construction domain can be done in English, experience has still repeatedly shown that opportunities for good employment depend strongly on the proficiency in Finnish language.

Therefore, to have a successful career after your studies in Finland, it is of great importance to start investing some of your weekly hours in learning the Finnish language - to achieve in the minimum the ability to manage your daily businesses and to participate in informal chat with colleagues.