Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields, Master's Degree

Master of Culture and Arts / Master of Health Care and/or Social Services
60 - 90 ECTS
1 - 1.5 years
Mode of studies
Tuition fees might apply


What is it like to study Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields

See our student Jonna's experience of studying Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields in Metropolia.

Why Study Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields with Us?

Creativity and different ways to express it, as well as cultural activities and arts related experiences, belong to all people as part of a good and meaningful life. The aim of Master’s degree in Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields (shorter CRASH) is to strengthen the professional competences needed when promoting health, well-being, inclusion and a sense of community in society through creativity and arts.

Upon graduation, students are able to reflect in a new way on the importance of creativity in human life and to reconstruct working practices from this perspective. The studies are designed to combine expertise from different fields locally and internationally, as well as to strengthen multidisciplinary and international collaboration skills of professionals.

Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields is a multidisciplinary degree programme aimed at professionals in the fields of culture, arts, social and health fields.

How studies are carried out?

The education is carried out as blended learning. You will study together with a diverse group of professionals from fields related to culture, arts, social services and health care.

A special feature of the degree programme in CRASH is the multidisciplinary collaboration initiated already in the application phase and carried through the studies. Expert lectures, workshops, projects and group work with peers, as well as supervision support your learning. There are approximately four contact-teaching days a month, some of which are carried out with a remote connection.

In the application phase, the applicants present their preliminary development / thesis idea, which at the beginning of the studies is further developed. The aim is to build multidisciplinary partnerships combining the fields of culture, health care and social services.

Lectures, seminars, workshops and study materials are mainly in English. However, Finnish can be used as a support language and some written assignments can be prepared in Finnish as well.

The underlying premise of the CRASH programme is to foster a unique forum for co-creation and togetherness. In practice, community-building is emphasised throughout the studies, and students must commit to working together with others and actively participate in live and online teaching. The studies are advanced-level and rely on phenomenon-based learning.

What Will You Study?

The content of the degree program in CRASH is based on development processes (multidisciplinary project, research methodology studies and thesis), advanced-level professional studies in the theme of creativity, culture, art and well-being, as well as elective studies.

Future Career Prospects

The graduates are professionals in using creativity and arts in social and health fields. They are able to utilize the opportunities of creativity to support people's lives and well-being, promote the realization of cultural rights, evaluate the effectiveness of activities as well as reconstruct professional practices, structures and thinking.

This education alone doesn’t provide professionals from the field of culture a qualification to work in the regulated professions in social and health fields. Please note that the Finnish translation of the degree in the certificate will be one of the following:

  • Konservaattori (ylempi AMK)
  • Kulttuurituottaja (ylempi AMK)
  • Medianomi (ylempi AMK)
  • Muotoilija (ylempi AMK)
  • Muusikko (ylempi AMK)
  • Musiikkipedagogi (ylempi AMK)
  • Vestonomi (ylempi AMK)

The Master's degree in Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields CRASH provides strong competences to act as a developer, innovator, expert and leader in using creativity and arts in various operating environments in social and health fields. It also gives you competences to work in expert positions in the social and health sector as well as in the field of arts and culture, both nationally and internationally. In working life, you can act as a bold innovator of multidisciplinary practices in solutions related to health, well-being, creativity and inclusion.

See also: Laura Huhtinen-Hildén & co: What does it mean to use culture and arts in social and health fields? (article in Finnish, YP-lehti blog)

Scholarships and tuition fees

This fee applies only to non-EU/EEA degree students.
Annual tuition fee:

  • 12 000 for those, whose right of study starts before 1 August 2024
  • 12 500 € for those, whose right of study starts after 31 July 2024

There is no tuition fee for EU/EEA students.

Read more on tuition fees and scholarship


Spring Joint Application for the English Degree Programmes:

  • 8 January 2025 - 22 January 2025

Separate Application on the Basis of Finnish Higher Education Studies

  • 1 May - 15 May 2025

Transfer Application

  • 1 May - 15 May 2025

Application instructions will be published later.

Ask about studies, online session 9 Dec 2024

Join our online coffee session on 9 December at 8-9 a.m (Zoom). The degree programme staff is available to help and guide you in any questions you may have about applying to CRASH degree programme. The Zoom link will be published on this website the previous week.


Ask Tutor teacher more about studies

Senior Lecturer in Charge

Head of Degree Programme

Studying in practice


  • Application period
    8.1.2025 at 08:00 - 22.1.2025 at 15:00
    Start of studies
    autumn 2025
    • Culture
    • Health Care and Social Services

    Instructions for applying

    In the spring 2025 Joint Application to higher education, you can apply to degree programmes that start in the autumn of 2025. The application period starts on the 8 January 2025 at 8 am and ends on the 22 January 2025 at 3 pm (local time in Finland).

    All the information needed to apply can be found on the national portal. At you can find descriptions of degree programmes, application criteria, application instructions, application forms and much more.

More information

For more information on the application process please contact

Metropolia's Student and Admission Services:
+358 40 712 5100
admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Starting studies

How to start your studies in Metropolia

Welcome to study for a degree at Metropolia!

Congratulations! You have been admitted to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and we are delighted to have you as a new member of our vibrant community of more than 16 000 students!

You have made an excellent choice - Metropolia offers you unique multidisciplinary opportunities throughout your studies with its strong connections to working life and active role in innovations built around socially significant phenomena.

We are happy to have you with us and help you with any questions you might have. Welcome to Metropolia!

The below information applies to students who have been accepted to study for a full degree at Metropolia. Make sure to complete all the steps in order to secure your study place.

Starting CRASH studies

Welcome to study in Master's Degree Programme in Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields (CRASH)!

Orientation days 2024

Studies are scheduled to start as follows (changes may occur):

  • Thursday 15 August, 9-15: practical orientation to studies as part of opening festivities (live, Arabia Campus, Soiva: Muotoilijankatu 1B, Helsinki, room AS102)
  • Friday 16 August, 9 - 12: group tutoring (online, Zoom)
  • Tuesday 20 August: individual study plan discussions, approx. 20 min/student (online, Zoom)

Schedule for autumn 2024

Studies will be organized mostly on Thursdays and Fridays between 9am - 4pm. There will be approximately 4 contact teaching days a month. When we meet face to face, it will take place mostly on Arabia Campus and Myllypuro Campus in Helsinki.

Please note: students will have an opportunity to participate in a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) with three other European Universities. It consists of a project week in the Netherlands in the end of November. Grants are available to cover some of the expenses. Should you not be able to participate in the BIP, another option including independent project work in Finland is available.

Information about how to orientate yourself to the studies will be shared with new students by e-mail.

Teaching days, autumn 2024:

  • Thu 29 Aug (live)
  • Fri 30 Aug (live)
  • Thu 12 Sept (online)
  • Fri 13 Sept (live, only for students in social and health fields)
  • Thu 26 Sept (live)
  • Fri 27 Sept (online)
  • Wed 2 Oct (live)
  • Thu 3 Oct (live)
  • Fri 4 Oct (live)
  • Fri 11 Oct (online)
  • Thu 24 Oct (online)
  • Fri 25 Oct (live, only for students in social and health fields)
  • Thu 7 Nov (online)
  • Fri 8 Nov (online)
  • Thu 14 Nov (online)
  • Fri 22 Nov (live, only for students in social and health fields)
  • Mon 25 Nov - Fri 29 Nov (Netherlands, additionally 2 travelling days)
  • Thu 5 Dec (live, end of year festivities)
  • Tue 10 Dec (online, 5-7 pm)
  • Thu 12 Dec (live, morning 9-12 a.m: all students, afternoon 1-6 p.m: only students in social and health fields)
  • Fri 13 Dec (live, only for students in social and health fields)

As some minor changes may occur, please carefully check the final schedule before the semester starts.